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Phil-186: Podcast Project

The podcast project delved into lending and borrowing money, which is significant in business ethics. My group members and I explained the issue, tracing its historical roots, including notable court cases and media reception, and exploring contemporary debates. The ethical dilemma we addressed centered on the Wells Fargo scandal, highlighting the conflict between morals and profits in the banking industry and shedding light on the ethical implications of aggressive sales practices. We applied ethical theories such as Virtue Ethics, Utilitarianism, and Deontology to the Wells Fargo case study. Through rigorous research and analysis, we explored how each theory provides a unique lens through which to evaluate the ethical dimensions of the case. In our discussion segment, we shared thoughts on the issue and theories and debated the best theory for the case study. We addressed any confusion and reflected on how the podcast enhanced our understanding of the ethical issue and theories.

Overall, our project comprehensively explored the ethical complexities surrounding lending and borrowing money, offering valuable insights into applying ethical theories in real-world business scenarios. Through the podcast project, we deepened our understanding of business ethics and strengthened our analytical and critical thinking skills.

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