Members Cloud computing All Members 2,532 Order By: Last Active Newest Registered Alphabetical Members directory Viewing 141 - 160 of 197 active members ← 1 … 7 8 9 10 → Kyle Reif 4 years ago Mohamad Abudamous - "@013611728 Hello Stephanie, I am a big fan of your work! It is quite marvelous how dedicated you are to succeed. Hoping to connect with you in the future and best of luck with all your future endeavors."View 4 years ago Valentin Tekhta - "Hey @martin-alvarez; fancy seeing you here "View 4 years ago Kush Patel - "@012238460 Hi Suhasini. I like the additional Campus Involvement Page on your E-Portfolio, a great way to showcase your involvement in improving our campus experience. Also, I am glad to know we share the same […]"View 5 years ago Andrew Chang - "@neda-amin Hello Neda, your e-portfolio is very interesting! Your internship experience at Almaden Country School sounds like a great way to develop your office management skills. How did you enjoy the internship, […]"View 5 years ago Suhasini Appalla - "@011859848 Hi Kush! I saw that you are interested in cloud computing which is actually a technology that I am really into. I have actually taken an Amazon Webservices cloud computing source over the winter which […]"View 5 years ago Nam Tang - "@rocky-muth Hey Rocky, Good to see you on here!"View 5 years ago Jennifer Neri - "@farrah-afrina-ahmad-nazmi I definitely agree with you that having a business and tech background will help us in the future.!"View 5 years ago Xin Yao - "@013603980 Hi Matthew, It is good to see you here."View 5 years ago Yi Chuan Kang - "@xin-yao"View 5 years ago Francisco Ramirez - "@011999403 Hello Nikhil, I see from your profile that you are also interested in Database Administration, what made you interested on the topic?"View 5 years ago Hsiang Chao - "@tsai-wei-li Nice to connect with you, have a wonderful day"View 5 years ago Luis Tovar - "@014310153 Hi Sundeep its awesome to see how similarities are shared when it comes to MIS."View 5 years ago San Oo - "Gov.Newsom issues state-wide order for Californians to shelter in place to slow spread of coronavirus. (KRON News)"View 5 years ago Chang Kook Lee - "@abraham-chen Hi, Abraham. I looked at your profile, and we have pretty similar interest and skills. I wish you all the best in the future."View 5 years ago Binh Nguyen - "@michael-chiang Hi Michael, I see you are also interested in AI and Data Analytics. How do you feel about these two topics in general?"View 5 years ago Rais Mirza - "@michael-chiang Hey Rigo. Fellow MIS Student. I also love management and enjoy going to the beach!"View 5 years ago Anthony Garcia - "@008425573 How have you been liking taking classes in Zoom? lol"View 5 years ago HAO LIU - "@binh-nguyen Hi, i like your profile!"View 5 years ago Emanoel Nabong - "@binh-nguyen Hey! I see we have a similar interest in cloud computing!"View 5 years ago Viewing 141 - 160 of 197 active members ← 1 … 7 8 9 10 →