Members Electronic commerce All Members 2,530 Order By: Last Active Newest Registered Alphabetical Members directory Viewing 21 - 40 of 40 active members ← 1 2 Harry Crane - "@015806609 Greetings Van, We’ve already met in professor Chen’s course, and I’m pleased to see we have similar job interests. I went ahead and added you here, feel free to add me on LinkedIn as well."View 3 years ago Chally Sem Sem 3 years ago Crystal Huang - "@thanh-luu Hi! When looking at you profile, I noticed that you graduated in 2021. How was your experience with MIS and what made you choose this concentration?"View 3 years ago Victor Nguyen 3 years ago Aleesha Kashif - "@015600221 Hey Ammar, we sat together in class last week. It seems like we both share an interest in application development. You have a great eye for catching errors!"View 3 years ago Andres Moreno - "@014388452 How’s it going Brandon, I see that we are both interested in a career as a Business Systems Analyst ! What do you like most about this profession?"View 3 years ago Viridiana Perez Munoz 3 years ago Sahana Venkatesh - "@012250394 Hey Ishmeet. I’m really impressed by you professional achievements. Nice job!"View 4 years ago Jorge Pineda Morales - "Hello @farrah-afrina-ahmad-nazmi, I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these unprecedented times. Due to the recent incidents virtual learning is here to stay and I never got the chance to thank you […]"View 4 years ago Chris Choe - "@andy-pham Hey i remember you from class, just wanted to say hi and that we have similar interest."View 5 years ago Jason Ma - "@jason-bach Hi Jason, I noticed you were interested in gaming. What games do you play?"View 5 years ago Nicholas Alexander Pass - "@eriq-perez Hello Eriq, we have many common interestets! You and me would make a great team in the future on a project."View 5 years ago Gregory Lau - "@dennis-do Hello Dennis! I really enjoyed seeing the amount of skills and interests you have!"View 5 years ago Alvin Thai - "@dennis-do Hey Dennis, I see that you also are interested in Systems Analysis. Good luck on finding an internship!"View 5 years ago Ahmet Aytekin - "@009762350 Nice and easy to read site!"View 5 years ago Alexander Tran - "@012478700 Hey Yue! Your ePortfolio looks awesome!"View 5 years ago Mridul Jammalamadaka - "@011984674 Hi Samir, I like your e-portfolio. It looks professional and I noticed that we both have taken similar courses."View 5 years ago Tung Ly - "@013837239 Hi Katherine! I noticed that you are interested in gaming and traveling. I also have the same interests. I hope that you can find your dream job."View 5 years ago Onubha Aanna Noor - "@012285702 Hey there! It’s really great to see that we have so many similar interests such as Artificial Interest, CRM and Cybersecurity. I also like how your E-portfolio is set up!"View 5 years ago Tzu Wei Huang - "@012238460 Good luck with your finals"View 6 years ago Viewing 21 - 40 of 40 active members ← 1 2