Members Management All Members 2,541 Order By: Last Active Newest Registered Alphabetical Members directory Viewing 1,021 - 1,040 of 1,244 active members ← 1 … 51 52 53 … 63 → San Oo - "Gov.Newsom issues state-wide order for Californians to shelter in place to slow spread of coronavirus. (KRON News)"View 5 years ago Martin Alvarez - "@christopher-gaytan clean website."View 5 years ago Johnny Tran - "@thanh-luu Hello Luu, I love your enthusiasm for management information systems. I changed my major MIS for the same reason you choose the major. MIS is the bridge between business and technology."View 5 years ago Chang Kook Lee - "@abraham-chen Hi, Abraham. I looked at your profile, and we have pretty similar interest and skills. I wish you all the best in the future."View 5 years ago Samantha Duong - "@jennifer-neri Hi Jennifer! I noticed you have a wide range of skills/interests that will benefit you greatly for the work force. Keep up the good work!"View 5 years ago Erica Spencer 5 years ago Binh Nguyen - "@michael-chiang Hi Michael, I see you are also interested in AI and Data Analytics. How do you feel about these two topics in general?"View 5 years ago Zhongrui Zhao 5 years ago Cecilie Isdahl - "@kishu-bhatnagar You have an interesting profile! Hope your semester is going well."View 5 years ago Kashyap Gummaraju - "@jennifer-neri Hi Jennifer, I noticed you have peer-to-peer as one of your interests. I too am interested in peer-to-peer and having had experience with it since I was in middle school. I wanted to know what you […]"View 5 years ago Julio Hernandez 5 years ago Brian Khoa Nguyen - "@viridiana-perez-munoz Hi Viridiana! I am impressed by your ePortfolio and your accomplishments! I believe we both share a similar interest in furthering the world with technology and networking. I am super […]"View 5 years ago Rais Mirza - "@michael-chiang Hey Rigo. Fellow MIS Student. I also love management and enjoy going to the beach!"View 5 years ago Mohammad Abuzaina - "@rigo-lopez Hello Rigo, I am a fellow MIS student. I also enjoy coding in python and travelling. My favorite sport is basketball."View 5 years ago Joshua Ngo - "@kassandra-cortez Hey Kassandra, I see you are interested in Designing. I am as well! I hope you are able to find an internship in your desired field."View 5 years ago Rigo Lopez - "@mohamad-abudamous Hello mohamad -abundas what’s your favorite sport? I also like to travel, meet new and like be out and about."View 5 years ago Jose Arriaga Vargas - "@andy-pham Hey Andy, its great having you in class.. Would be great to have a zoom meeting sometime soon!"View 5 years ago Calvin Nguyen - "@samantha-duong I find it fascinating how being born in the Silicon Valley inspired you to pursue a career in tech!"View 5 years ago Nicholas Chan - "@prabhjeev-sethi Hey Prabhjeev, I really liked your profile. You have a ton of interest regarding data and systems! Did you get this interest from your classes or personal experiences?"View 5 years ago Younis Nabiyar - "@henry-ly Hi Henry, I really liked your e-portfolio website. It was detailed and interesting."View 5 years ago Viewing 1,021 - 1,040 of 1,244 active members ← 1 … 51 52 53 … 63 →