Members Management All Members 2,541 Order By: Last Active Newest Registered Alphabetical Members directory Viewing 981 - 1,000 of 1,244 active members ← 1 … 49 50 51 … 63 → Milad Tehrani - "@009115145 Hey Eric, I was stopping by your profile and I noticed you were school and had a job. I commend you for being able to work and go to school at the same time!"View 4 years ago Rohan Nalawadi - "@michael-chiang Hey, I like your portfolio. I am also a avid movie watcher."View 4 years ago Jefferson Trinh 4 years ago Maha Darwish - "@011937172 Hello Anisha, I enjoyed reading your e-portfolio and it was nice knowing about your interesting experiences in business, especially your experience in UX design. I also liked your explanation of your […]"View 5 years ago Huong Nguyen - "@ana-laura-rosas-lorenzo Hi Ana. I’m glad to see that you will graduate soon the next year. I hope you can find a job that fits you. Good luck on your next journey."View 5 years ago Gurbir Kooner 5 years ago Merriam Saafein - "@ganesh-chendica Hi Ganesh! I noticed we have similar interests in CRM and Data Analytics which in my opinion I believe are really needed in the workforce and in MIS as well. Best of luck to you and I hope we can connect!"View 5 years ago Aakriti Pande - "@mansze-lok I looked at your “About Me” in your e-portfolio and I like that you are majoring in MIS and minoring in computer science. I think that is great and shows how hard working you are."View 5 years ago Jesse Chow - "@012097072 Hey Andy, I also have an interest in digital marketing. Nice profile!"View 5 years ago Alex Belarmino - "@hsiang-chao hope you are having a great semester!"View 5 years ago Jennifer Ramirez - "Hi @jesus-cortes your e-portfolio is concise and organzied. I loved that you added your current project as well!"View 5 years ago Kush Patel - "@012238460 Hi Suhasini. I like the additional Campus Involvement Page on your E-Portfolio, a great way to showcase your involvement in improving our campus experience. Also, I am glad to know we share the same […]"View 5 years ago Katherine Effendi - "@012238460 Hi Suhasini! I’m very impressed by your portfolio and professional achievements! It’s great to see that we have a similar interest in cyber security!"View 5 years ago Andrew Chang - "@neda-amin Hello Neda, your e-portfolio is very interesting! Your internship experience at Almaden Country School sounds like a great way to develop your office management skills. How did you enjoy the internship, […]"View 5 years ago Jimmy Nuch 5 years ago Ricky Bhatia - "@samuel-menar Looks like we have very similar career goals with paths leading into data analysis! I too enjoy playing guitar and exercise my Python skills."View 5 years ago Christopher Gaytan - "@michael-chiang Hello Michael!"View 5 years ago Essam Rao 5 years ago Jyotsna Kethepalli - "@Suhasini Appalla Hi Suhasini! Congratulations on your new role with Cisco. It was a pleasure working with you this year on modeling EHR data intake and entry processes. Looking forward to working with you […]"View 5 years ago Suhasini Appalla - "@011859848 Hi Kush! I saw that you are interested in cloud computing which is actually a technology that I am really into. I have actually taken an Amazon Webservices cloud computing source over the winter which […]"View 5 years ago Viewing 981 - 1,000 of 1,244 active members ← 1 … 49 50 51 … 63 →