Members Online learning All Members 2,547 Order By: Last Active Newest Registered Alphabetical Members directory Viewing 41 - 60 of 84 active members ← 1 2 3 4 5 → Brian Tran 3 years ago Thi Hong Anh Tran - "@thu-ngo Hi Thu. I’m happy to connect with you. Hope to see you as classmate in the future "View 3 years ago William Hoang Le - "@011261003 Hey Kraig! I read your biography and I like how a passionate person you are. Working full time while getting another degree in business administration! It’s nice to meet you and hope to see you some […]"View 3 years ago Anthony Each - "@016451344 Hey Andrew, I saw that we both have interests in Data Analytics, do you have any experiences with the skills required for the field?"View 3 years ago Chris Alvarez 3 years ago Katie Kan - "@yi-chuan-kang Hi Yi-Chuan, I noticed that you have graduated two years ago and we have some interests in common! I wonder how your career has been after you graduated from university."View 3 years ago Sofiia Malushkina 3 years ago Aleesha Kashif - "@015600221 Hey Ammar, we sat together in class last week. It seems like we both share an interest in application development. You have a great eye for catching errors!"View 3 years ago Matthew Huynh - "@013574938 Hello Trinity, I noticed that you have an interest in gaming and an interest in becoming an IT specialist. As a former gamer with a certain interest in IT Specialist, I hope everything will work out for […]"View 3 years ago Sainath Subramanian - "@015600221 Hey Ammar, I noticed we both share interest in Application development. Good luck! I’m excited to learn about this topic."View 3 years ago Viridiana Perez Munoz 3 years ago Kassandra Cortez - "@farrah-afrina-ahmad-nazmi you have a wide variety of skills that will definitely be helpful in the line of work you want to be in. Keep up the good work!"View 3 years ago Jennifer Wang - "@012666303 Hi Terri! Its great to see that we have things in common being a first generation college student and having an interest in being outdoors. I am also impressed by your e-profolio."View 4 years ago Michael Chiang - "@014542983 Hi Tsubasa!"View 4 years ago Jorge Pineda Morales - "Hello @farrah-afrina-ahmad-nazmi, I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these unprecedented times. Due to the recent incidents virtual learning is here to stay and I never got the chance to thank you […]"View 4 years ago Rohan Nalawadi - "@michael-chiang Hey, I like your portfolio. I am also a avid movie watcher."View 4 years ago Katherine Effendi - "@012238460 Hi Suhasini! I’m very impressed by your portfolio and professional achievements! It’s great to see that we have a similar interest in cyber security!"View 5 years ago Christopher Gaytan - "@michael-chiang Hello Michael!"View 5 years ago Jennifer Neri - "@farrah-afrina-ahmad-nazmi I definitely agree with you that having a business and tech background will help us in the future.!"View 5 years ago Francisco Ramirez - "@011999403 Hello Nikhil, I see from your profile that you are also interested in Database Administration, what made you interested on the topic?"View 5 years ago Viewing 41 - 60 of 84 active members ← 1 2 3 4 5 →