Members Product design All Members 2,530 Order By: Last Active Newest Registered Alphabetical Members directory Viewing 81 - 100 of 132 active members ← 1 … 4 5 6 7 → Rahul Bulchand-Ashrani - "@014724892 @014724892 Hi Sainath, I noticed that you are also interested in B2B work along with many other fields. I too am interested in B2B and product management and looking forward to getting either an […]"View 3 years ago Vy Huynh - "@aleesha-kashif Hi Alessha! It’s nice to e-meet you here. I discovered that we share an interest in entrepreneurship. Would you plan to have your own business in the future? I hope we will have a chance to […]"View 3 years ago Thanh Luu - "@011942476 Hi Jessica Nguyen, Your E-portfolio lets me know you are an interesting person."View 3 years ago Nathan Nguyen - "@016008954 Hey.! I noticed you are interested in product design as well. I wish you the best on your future endeavors!"View 3 years ago Sainath Subramanian - "@015600221 Hey Ammar, I noticed we both share interest in Application development. Good luck! I’m excited to learn about this topic."View 3 years ago Viridiana Perez Munoz 3 years ago Andy Pham 3 years ago Jennifer Wang - "@012666303 Hi Terri! Its great to see that we have things in common being a first generation college student and having an interest in being outdoors. I am also impressed by your e-profolio."View 4 years ago Jorge Pineda Morales - "Hello @farrah-afrina-ahmad-nazmi, I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these unprecedented times. Due to the recent incidents virtual learning is here to stay and I never got the chance to thank you […]"View 4 years ago Maria Gobea 4 years ago Saifali Saiyed - "@013041743 Hi Jimmy, nice to meet you. It’s great to see we have some skills and interests in common!"View 4 years ago Huong Nguyen - "@ana-laura-rosas-lorenzo Hi Ana. I’m glad to see that you will graduate soon the next year. I hope you can find a job that fits you. Good luck on your next journey."View 5 years ago Jesse Chow - "@012097072 Hey Andy, I also have an interest in digital marketing. Nice profile!"View 5 years ago Jennifer Ramirez - "Hi @jesus-cortes your e-portfolio is concise and organzied. I loved that you added your current project as well!"View 5 years ago Ricky Bhatia - "@samuel-menar Looks like we have very similar career goals with paths leading into data analysis! I too enjoy playing guitar and exercise my Python skills."View 5 years ago Suhasini Appalla - "@011859848 Hi Kush! I saw that you are interested in cloud computing which is actually a technology that I am really into. I have actually taken an Amazon Webservices cloud computing source over the winter which […]"View 5 years ago Samuel Menar - "@jefferson-trinh Hi Jefferson, I like your e-portfolio and noticed we have some common interests. It’s nice to see someone dedicated to MIS, We should collaborate sometime."View 5 years ago Kayla Nguyen - "@kassandra-cortez I really enjoyed looking at your e-portfolio and I hope we find more opportunities to connect in the future!"View 5 years ago Chang Kook Lee - "@abraham-chen Hi, Abraham. I looked at your profile, and we have pretty similar interest and skills. I wish you all the best in the future."View 5 years ago Erica Spencer 5 years ago Viewing 81 - 100 of 132 active members ← 1 … 4 5 6 7 →