Members Smartphones All Members 2,530 Order By: Last Active Newest Registered Alphabetical Members directory Viewing 61 - 80 of 111 active members ← 1 … 3 4 5 6 → Katherine Effendi - "@012238460 Hi Suhasini! I’m very impressed by your portfolio and professional achievements! It’s great to see that we have a similar interest in cyber security!"View 5 years ago Nam Tang - "@rocky-muth Hey Rocky, Good to see you on here!"View 5 years ago Samuel Menar - "@jefferson-trinh Hi Jefferson, I like your e-portfolio and noticed we have some common interests. It’s nice to see someone dedicated to MIS, We should collaborate sometime."View 5 years ago Kayla Nguyen - "@kassandra-cortez I really enjoyed looking at your e-portfolio and I hope we find more opportunities to connect in the future!"View 5 years ago Luis Tovar - "@014310153 Hi Sundeep its awesome to see how similarities are shared when it comes to MIS."View 5 years ago Jazmin Carrillo - "@henry-ly Hi Henry! I hope this semester is treating you well"View 5 years ago Kashyap Gummaraju - "@jennifer-neri Hi Jennifer, I noticed you have peer-to-peer as one of your interests. I too am interested in peer-to-peer and having had experience with it since I was in middle school. I wanted to know what you […]"View 5 years ago Rais Mirza - "@michael-chiang Hey Rigo. Fellow MIS Student. I also love management and enjoy going to the beach!"View 5 years ago Joshua Ngo - "@kassandra-cortez Hey Kassandra, I see you are interested in Designing. I am as well! I hope you are able to find an internship in your desired field."View 5 years ago Brandon Tu 5 years ago Harrison Lok - "@julio-hernandez Hi Julio, Looks like we have some similar job goals and interests. Glad to meet you!"View 5 years ago Julia Nam - "@eriq-perez I like your profile!"View 5 years ago Nicholas Alexander Pass - "@eriq-perez Hello Eriq, we have many common interestets! You and me would make a great team in the future on a project."View 5 years ago John Ushigome - "@michael-chiang Your e-portfolio looks awesome!"View 5 years ago Alan Nguyen - "@binh-nguyen It’s nice connecting with you, hope all is well."View 5 years ago Benjamin Pasibe 5 years ago Abhiniti Moola - "@michael-chiang I liked your profile, and we have a lot of similar interests!"View 5 years ago Alvin Thai - "@dennis-do Hey Dennis, I see that you also are interested in Systems Analysis. Good luck on finding an internship!"View 5 years ago Nathan Wong - "@jessica-nguyen Hello! Awesome that you are in MISA, how is that like and what have you learned from it?"View 5 years ago Edwin Tu - "@ryan-tran Hey Ryan! You have a really nice website. It was interesting on how you found you interest for Management Information Systems! How are you?"View 5 years ago Viewing 61 - 80 of 111 active members ← 1 … 3 4 5 6 →