Members Virtual teams All Members 2,530 Order By: Last Active Newest Registered Alphabetical Members directory Viewing 21 - 25 of 25 active members ← 1 2 Kashyap Gummaraju - "@jennifer-neri Hi Jennifer, I noticed you have peer-to-peer as one of your interests. I too am interested in peer-to-peer and having had experience with it since I was in middle school. I wanted to know what you […]"View 5 years ago Marcus Chan - "@012097072 Great profile! Keep it up!"View 5 years ago Branden Caasi - "@014296594 The course work that you chose to highlight is similar to mine!"View 5 years ago Ava Enjavi - "@012030070 Hi, I loved reading about your achievements and interests. Your portfolio is very organized and we actually have a lot of similar interests. Best of luck to you."View 5 years ago Elijah Casterwill - "@014222234 Hey Crista, it’s nice to see you on here! Hope all is well with you!"View 5 years ago Viewing 21 - 25 of 25 active members ← 1 2