Members Web analytics All Members 2,537 Order By: Last Active Newest Registered Alphabetical Members directory Viewing 41 - 60 of 77 active members ← 1 2 3 4 → Jerome Cueva - "@012098112 Hi David, I can see that one of your interests is in gaming. I also love gaming and would love to work in the industry to see behind the scenes."View 2 years ago Connie Tai 2 years ago Natalie Loiseau 2 years ago Tuan Nguyen - "@014895829 Hello! It was a pleasure meeting you on Tuesday!"View 2 years ago Nasrat Hotaki 2 years ago Yash Gandhi - "@014706731 Hi Anushka! It was great meeting you at the MISA event. I’m looking forward to collaborating with you!"View 3 years ago Jessica Chen 3 years ago Jordan Garland 3 years ago Jerry Tseng - "@nathaniel-latif Hi Nathaniel! It’s nice to see someone who shared similar interest as me! Good luck with your work in the future "View 3 years ago Jasmine Cardeno - "@014724892 Hello Sainath! I found your profile to be very impressive and profound considering the amount and the diversity of the skills and interests you have. It’s great that we have some similar interests too. […]"View 3 years ago Sainath Subramanian - "@015600221 Hey Ammar, I noticed we both share interest in Application development. Good luck! I’m excited to learn about this topic."View 3 years ago Viridiana Perez Munoz 3 years ago Valentin Tekhta - "Hey @martin-alvarez; fancy seeing you here "View 4 years ago Suhasini Appalla - "@011859848 Hi Kush! I saw that you are interested in cloud computing which is actually a technology that I am really into. I have actually taken an Amazon Webservices cloud computing source over the winter which […]"View 5 years ago Francisco Ramirez - "@011999403 Hello Nikhil, I see from your profile that you are also interested in Database Administration, what made you interested on the topic?"View 5 years ago Johnny Tran - "@thanh-luu Hello Luu, I love your enthusiasm for management information systems. I changed my major MIS for the same reason you choose the major. MIS is the bridge between business and technology."View 5 years ago Rais Mirza - "@michael-chiang Hey Rigo. Fellow MIS Student. I also love management and enjoy going to the beach!"View 5 years ago Harrison Lok - "@julio-hernandez Hi Julio, Looks like we have some similar job goals and interests. Glad to meet you!"View 5 years ago John Ushigome - "@michael-chiang Your e-portfolio looks awesome!"View 5 years ago Farrah Afrina Ahmad Nazmi - "@jessica-nguyen Hi Jessica, I really admire your e-portfolio and the interests you have, I noticed we have similar interests and am glad to see someone who’s very passionate about MIS. We should connect soon!"View 5 years ago Viewing 41 - 60 of 77 active members ← 1 2 3 4 →