Active 5 years, 3 months ago
@012093991 Hey Eiman, I just checked out your profile and it seems we are both heading for a bright future as MIS students! View
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 active members
Milad Tehrani - "@009115145 Hey Eric, I was stopping by your profile and I noticed you were school and had a job. I commend you for being able to work and go to school at the same time!"View
Jessica Nguyen - "@009115145 Hello Eric! Loving your e-portfolio site! Keep up with the great work and let’s connect!"View
Eiman Chaudhry - "@012009998 Hey Justin, I liked your professional achievements section on your site. I looked into Computer Engineering prior to MIS at well, what a small world!"View
Justin Lee - "@010992657 Hey Mathew I read your personal achievements it sounds like you and me both have similar career path goals, and personal goals are pretty similar too. I also enjoy playing basketball and watching sports on TV"View
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 active members