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Economist Project

  1. Include the goals, results, project URL (if applicable), and what you learned in a brief paragraph

Project URL: Economist Project

Throughout the economic project, I can see Apple’s goal with the Vision Pro headset is to usher in a new age of personal technology. Although the price of this product reaches $3,499, this makes many customers hesitant when deciding to buy the product. However, a significant number of pre-orders have been recorded, with around 200,000 pre-orders having been previously placed. This product is expected to create a new market for consumer hardware that can replace smartphones. The food cart sector aims to offer consumers a variety of easy and quick dining options, particularly in urban settings where time and space are at a premium. As a result, from 2011 to 2016, this industry’s income increased at a 7.9% annual pace despite anticipated hurdles. Growing customer choice and diversity as well as new business prospects for workers in the food and beverage industry can be brought about by this industry’s expansion. The goal of the Uber study on transportation and alcohol consumption was also to assess the potential effects of ride-hailing applications on driving safety and alcohol consumption patterns. Consequently, there’s a chance that the rise of Uber contributed to a rise in alcohol intake, with moderate alcohol consumption rising by an average of 5% and binge drinking rising by up to 20%. Nevertheless, since Uber’s introduction, there has been a noticeable drop in drunk driving-related collisions, with a 62% decrease in Portland, Oregon. Overall, I gained more knowledge about the possibilities and advancements of personal technology from the technology segment, particularly after dissecting Apple’s Vision Pro headset. I became aware of how the food cart business is expanding quickly and how it satisfies customer demands in progressively more urban settings. In addition, ride-hailing apps influence users’ habits and lifestyles, including their alcohol use, in addition to making transportation more convenient.

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