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Interesting Facts About Me

Be sure to delete these instructions before you submit and after you edit the items below.

Include the below items in your submission that lists interesting facts about you. You must include at least seven of the following items:

  • Movie(s) I have watched over and over…
  • Favorite sports teams…
  • TV show(s) I’m watching right now…
  • Places I have lived…
  • Pets…
  • Apps I visit daily…
  • Favorite things to do outside of school & work…
  • Coolest thing I’ve ever done…
  • My proudest atypical accomplishment
  1. Knives Out is my all time favorite movie. I can watch that movie over and over again. I can also watch the movie Avengers: End Game over and over again and cry every time.
  2. I love the USA Women’s Gymnastics team. I root for them every Olympics. My favorite Gymnast is Simone Biles.
  3. I am Currently watching Wednesday Adams. I am obsessed with that show.
  4. A fun fact about me is that I’ve never been out of the country before. I don’t travel that much because my parents are always busy. If I’m ever on vacation, it’s only to Los Angeles or Las Vegas.
  5. I don’t own any pets because my mom does not like animals. When I move out, the first thing I will do is adopt a dog.
  6. The only apps I use daily is Instagram and Youtube.
  7. My favorite things to do outside of school and work is spend time with friends. I love going on adventures with them whether it be hiking, watching a movie, or going to try new food.
  8. The coolest thing I’ve done is winning the 100 butterfly at a swim meet because I find the butterfly stroke very difficult. My arms feel like they are about to fall off and I feel as if all the life is sucked out of me whenever I swim that stroke.
  9. My proudest atypical accomplishment is finishing the entire Game of Thrones show during quarantine and listening to all the podcasts on Youtube.
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