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  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
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Getting things done

In this course, time management expert David Allen emphasizes the importance of writing down every task that comes to the mind. As he puts it, the mind is the worst place to store your to-do list.

This module was especially important to me as I have a habit of constantly thinking of everything I need to do or catch up on, but never get around to organizing them on a tangible medium. This always causes me to lose focus in the moment, leading to great struggles with completing a single task. Although I have always recognized the stress I receive from this poor habit, I’ve never reflected on what steps to take to change it.

Thus, the module was extremely helpful in that it also demonstrated methods of clarifying your mind and organizing tasks into priorities of importance to one’s goals.

Having implemented what I’ve learned from this course since I’ve completed it, my mental headspace has been less chaotic and it’s much easier to focus on one task. This will greatly help my academic and professional career as it establishes a key habit in my work ethic.

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