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Interesting Facts Page

Interesting facts about me:

  • My all-time favorite movie that I could watch over and over is the 2005 version of Pride & Prejudice with Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen.
  • I’m currently watching Abbott Elementary, Silicon Valley, and The Big Bang Theory.
  • I was born and raised in Santa Cruz, but I also lived in Santa Rosa while I was working on my associate’s degrees. I’m currently living in the South Bay while I’m attending SJSU.
  • I do not currently have any pets of my own but I would love to adopt a cat or a dog when I have more free time after I finish school. I’m a big animal lover and grew up with pet rabbits, parakeets, and hamsters.
  • I’m a big foodie, so I love to cook new recipes at home and try new dishes at different restaurants around the Bay. I also enjoy reading and visiting museums in my spare time.
  • I’m currently planning my very first international trip to Japan over spring break, which will absolutely be the coolest thing I will be doing this semester. I’m looking forward to seeing the cherry blossoms, visiting Mt. Fuji, and trying amazing food all over Tokyo! I’m planning to visit some fabric stores so I can bring Japanese fabric home to make a quilt to remember the trip by.
  • In an effort to be more environmentally conscious and to contribute less to fast fashion waste, I’m teaching myself to sew so I can tailor my own clothes. I’m also teaching myself how to quilt!
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