Community Activity Aman Nemanicreated the site Aman Nemani Mohammad Sarwarycreated the site Portfolio Roshan Kohliprofile was updated Roshan Kohlicreated the site My Professional Development Aman Nemaniprofile was updated Mohammad Sarwaryprofile was updated Japneet Kaurprofile was updated Matteo Hudson Heinrich Meierwrote a new post, Resume, on the site Matteo Meier Matteo Hudson Heinrich Meierwrote a new post, (no title), on the site Matteo Meier Matteo Hudson Heinrich Meiercreated the site Matteo Meier Matteo Hudson Heinrich Meierprofile was updated Mohammad Sarwarysubmitted their e-portfolio for approval Matteo Hudson Heinrich Meiersubmitted their e-portfolio for approval Madhav Kethinenireceived 250 points for student organization officerMadhav Kethineni just received the Master badgeMadhav Kethinenireceived 250 points for student organization officerMadhav Kethinenireceived 400 points for full-time major specific internship Howard, Howardreceived 25 points for LinkedIn Learning ModuleHoward Rodriguez just received the Apprentice badgeHoward Rodriguezreceived 250 points for short-term full-time major specific internship Alan, Abarronreceived 50 points for getting their portfolio approved in Fall 2024Adam Behmanreceived 35 points for In-person SJSU professional development event Kayla Acunacreated the site Kayla Acuna Kayla Acunaprofile was updated Alan Plascencia Maciascreated the site Alan Plascencia Macias Alan Plascencia Maciasprofile was updated Madhav Kethinenicreated the site Madhav Kethineni Alan Plascencia Maciassubmitted their e-portfolio for approval Madhav Kethineniprofile was updated Jonathan Cupinoposted an update Marcel Rassuliprofile was updated Saijal Sobtiposted a new activity comment Abarron Wongprofile was updated Adam Behmanposted a new activity comment Abarron Wongsubmitted their e-portfolio for approval Shreya Sobtireceived 100 points for completing a research project with faculty Saijal, Kareenareceived 50 points for completing a project in a MIS classMadi Leong just received the Apprentice badgeMadi Leongreceived 400 points for full-time major specific internshipMuhammad Hamzareceived 250 points for student organization officer« 1 … 13 14 15 16 17 … 19 »