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Job Fair Success Webinar

This event was held on Monday, February 12 from 12-1 pm held by SJSU’s career help center via Zoom. The hosts; Karina Moreno Gil and Thuy Nguyen, discussed how participants can prepare and research to enter the job market. The hosts covered 5 sections; finding and registering for fairs, researching employers, developing your story, attending the fair, and following up and connecting. In each section, they delve into how to utilize the SJSU resources and stay updated with in-person as well as virtual fairs. The following sections show how students can develop and present themselves professionally and connect with potential employers and recruiters. They also taught us how to utilize SJSU’s handshake and be aware of the job-focused fairs and events.

As a student who has yet to attend any of the fairs, I find the event quite intimidating since I’m not sure how to prepare for it. Through this seminar, they gave me advice on preparing an elevator pitch, proper attire, and creating strong connections/networking. They gave us advice on how to research the employers coming as well as finding alumni whom we can connect with. We also learned where to find the current employees’ reviews and the interview process shown on their LinkedIn site. They also gave us a starting format to create an elevator pitch. Another piece of advice they shared is the appropriate attire expected which is business casual to formal attire, mainly in colors of movies, blacks, and whites. Overall, this seminar helped give me advice on how to present and prepare myself professionally when I want to start networking/connecting with employers/recruiters.

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